Solar Panel

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Solar Panel
Solar Collector ig.png
Grid layout None (small).pngGrid Solar Panel.png
Type Generator

Tool Grid Wrench.png
Stackable Yes (64)

Solar Panel sind Generatorn, die die Energie vom Sonnenlicht nutzen um EU zu generieren. Dieser Tatsache nach kann er nicht im Untergrund funktionieren (außer es befindet sich ein Loch an der Decke, was in den Himmel durchscheinen lässt). Im Nether und im End funktionert er komplett nicht. Zudem funktionieren sie auch nicht nachts.


Coal Dust


Electronic Circuit


Coal Dust


Coal Dust


Electronic Circuit

Solar Panel

Also für dieses Rezept brauchst du:

Or, if you would like a list of the raw materials:


Solar Panels output power at a rate of 1 EU/t during daylight hours (from 6:20 to 17:45). Power will output to any side except the top. Inclement weather (i.e., storms) affects energy production.

RE Battery (Charged)

Solar Panels can also be crafted into the Solar Helmet, which can automatically recharge whatever electronic chestplate you're wearing while in the daylight! HAYO!


Solar Flowers

Due to the relative weakness of power generation, Solar Panels are often assembled into so-called Solar Flowers (when using Copper Cable), whereby as many Solar Panels as possible are connected to a BatBox using cable lengths of four segments or less. These constructions provide the benefit of compact and relatively cheap Solar Panel arrangements without energy losses. This was the most efficient design that existed in IC1 and earlier versions of IC2. The addition of Tin Cable, which allows micro currents to be carried 40 blocks, has made other arrangements equally feasible. Now, arrangements using a combination of tin and copper cables can provide superior efficiency, and don't require such intricate planning.